Child Dedication
Dear Parents,
Taking the step to have your child dedicated to God is an important one! Here at Orlando Pentecostal Church, we believe dedication is a two-part process; only parent(s) who are dedicated to God can truly make the decision to dedicate their children to God. As the covenants made during the child’s dedication are essential, at least one parent must be a dedicated/faithful member of this church. This means that at least one parent must be born again according to the New Testament teachings found in John 3:1-5, John 7:37-39, and Acts 2:38-42. We believe in dedicating children to the Lord but realize that this sacred ceremony begins with the parent first being dedicated to the Lord.
If you are not yet a member of this church and would like to become one, you can enroll in a salvation Bible Study and begin your journey to becoming a dedicated member of the body of Christ. After doing so, you can contact our office at 407-297-6995 to schedule your dedication.
Child dedication ceremonies are performed on Sundays during our 10:00 AM service. Please complete the form below. We will contact you to schedule your Child Dedication Class.
If you have additional questions, please contact our church office at 407-297-6995.
George F. Jones, II
Some of the topics we'll cover in the Child Dedication Class include:
- Why a Baby/Child Dedication?
- Examples of Child Dedication in the Bible
- Parental Responsibilities
The Child Dedication Class is a spiritual program designed to support and unite families in their commitment to raising God-centered children. In this class, we explore the significance of dedication, provide guidance for parents seeking to nurture their child's faith journey and share communal wisdom and scriptural principles on Christian parenting.
Your dedication is more than a ceremony; it's the beginning of a promise and a lifelong bond among families, their children, and the church community.